I’d rather win the lottery than have old people cancer, obviously

“You have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of having this cancer,” my doctor said as he read over my x-ray results. “And besides, this type of bone cancer is only diagnosed in seniors.” Those words were meant to reassure me. And he was right. Only six people across Canada were diagnosed with the same bone cancer as me that year, and every single one of them was an old fart. I have since become an avid lottery player. In the medical community, my doctor’s attitude wasn’t the exception, it was the rule. Because of my […]

Against my own will, here’s what cancer taught me

I survived bone cancer. Although facing your mortality at 26 isn’t anything I’d wish on anyone, if there was a way to turn the perspective it forces upon you into a potion, I’d bottle it up and hand samples out on every street corner. Keep in mind that the perspective isn’t the same for everyone. Surviving is an experience and its effects vary as much as the people do. For me, these are the two most important lessons bone cancer forced me to learn the hard way: Stop deferring good times. I was twenty-six and had seven years left on […]

Top 10 things some people find shocking about me

This top ten list contains answers to the questions I am most frequently asked. Some people ask me quite boldly. Others hint and ask questions surrounding the topic. Note to the hinters – I know what you’re really asking me; sometimes I mess with you and deliberately evade your hints (I get a kick out of doing that). I’m a teenage mom. I had my first son when I was 16 and my second son when I was 19. Yes, I married the guy who fathered both my babies. We’ve been together since I was 15. I’m a high school […]