Announcement! Book Release!

Welcome to the world, Deus Ex Machina! 🎉 I’m proud to introduce Hamartia’s sequel, Deus Ex Machina, born on November 18th, weighing 276 pages. Author-mom and book-baby are doing fine. (That’s a lie. One of us is freaking out.) If this sounds like a birth announcement, that’s because it kinda is. Writing a book and then putting it out into the world feels very much like sending a child I’ve raised out there to fend for themselves. I’ve done all I can, now it’s in the world’s hands. Please be kind to my baby. Grace has lived in my head […]

An update from my rabbit hole

Happy New Year! Wait… are we past the point where it’s okay to say that? Sorry, I’ve been busy. But I’d like to take a moment to breathe and to tell you all what I’ve been up to. Why haven’t I written a blog post in a dog’s age? Because I’ve been deep in a rabbit hole writing my next book! I’ve proudly written 150 pages in three short months. Inspiration comes at the strangest times when I least expect it. I can’t control it or stop it and sadly, I can’t make it happen on demand either. I wish […]